AILA Resources on 2013 Immigration Reform (Updated 6/17/13)
Cite as "AILA InfoNet Doc. No. 13020647 (posted Jun. 17, 2013)"
The House of Representatives is not as far along as the Senate, but is making progress towards some sort of activity on immigration reform. The Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), has introduced a number of bills that deal with individual pieces of reform and the committee will begin markup of those bills starting the week of June 17, 2013. The House bipartisan Gang of Eight is now the Gang of Seven as Rep. Raul Labrador (R-ID) has officially left the group. The Gang of Seven has said they will be introducing their own comprehensive bill shortly, but the path forward for that bill in the House is murky.
For daily updates on what's happening in D.C. and on immigration reform check outImmigration Politics 2013. (AILA Doc. No. 12120666.) For all InfoNet postings related to Immigration Reform please visit our Immigration Reform 2013 Featured Topics page.
Government Action
Issue Papers and Talking Points
AILA Press Statements
Take Action
Government Action
<>On 6/10/13 the Senate began debate on S.744. Read comprehensive coverage of all amendments filed, the debate on the floor and any votes taken on AILA’s Senate Floor Debate Resource page. (AILA Doc. No. 13061446.)
On 6/6/13 Rep. Gowdy (R-SC) introduced H.R. 2278, the Strengthen and Fortify Enforcement Act. (AILA Doc. No. 13060654.)
On 6/6/13 Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) filed cloture on the motion to proceed on S. 744.
On 5/21/13 the Senate Judiciary Committee voted S.744, as amended, out of committee on a 13-5 vote. (AILA Doc. No. 13053045.) AILA has a comprehensive summary of the five days of markup and all amendments filed. (AILA Doc. No. 13060500.)
On 4/16/2013, the Senate "Gang of Eight" introduced the "Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act." (AILA Doc. No. 13041760.)
On 01/29/13 the White House released a fact sheet on the President's plan for creating a common sense immigration policy entitled: "Fixing our Broken Immigration System so Everyone Plays by the Rules." Most notably the President's plan does not tie the road to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented Americans to any border security triggers as the Senate plan does, although he does lay out plans to increase enforcement both at the border and at worksites. (AILA Doc. No. 13012946.)
On 01/28/13 a bipartisan group of eight Senators released a set of principles to overhaul the country's immigration system. The principles include a road to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented immigrants currently in the country and increased enforcement at the border and interior. (AILA Doc. No. 13012865.)
Issue Papers and Talking Points
A round-up of the most recent statements made by leaders on both sides of the aisle and in the media on the need for immigration reform now. (AILA Doc. No. 13061743.)
AILA/AIC draft section-by-section summary of S. 744 with redline changes reflecting the sponsors' amendment filed 4/30/13 and blueline changes reflecting amendments adopted by the Senate Judiciary Committee on 5/21/13. (AILA Doc. No. 13060650.)
AILA's Take on Legalization in S.744 (AILA Doc. No. 13060657.)
AILA's Take on Court Reform and Counsel Provisions in S.744 (AILA Doc. No. 13060656.)
AILA's Take on Discretion Issues in S.744 (AILA Doc. No. 13060556.)
AILA's Take on Family Immigration in S.744 (AILA Doc. No. 13060555.)
AILA's Take on Border Issues in S.744 (AILA Doc. No. 13060554.)
AILA's Take on Business Issues in S.744 (AILA Doc. No. 13060553.)
AILA’s 2013 Resource Guide on Immigration for lawmakers, AILA members, the media and other advocates to use during the 2013 immigration reform debate. (AILA Doc. No. 13040151.)
Reforming Immigration for the 21st Century: NDA Leave Behind is a four page document used during AILA’s 2013 National Day of Action to outline AILA’s priorities and principles for reforming immigration for the 21st Century. (AILA Doc. No. 13040241.)
AILA Press Statements
AILA Urges House Committee to Move Away from Ineffective “Enforcement-Only” Immigration Legislation (6/13/13) (AILA Doc. No. 13061343.)
AILA Commends Senate Judiciary Committee and Calls on Full Senate to Show Similar Commitment to Immigration Reform (5/22/13) (AILA Doc. No. 13052260)
AILA: Senators Advance Both Good and Bad Amendments on Bipartisan Bill(05/08/13) (AILA Doc. No. 13050809.)
AILA Commends Senate “Gang of Eight” for Bipartisan Immigration Bill (04/17/13) (AILA Doc. No. 13041761.)
Take Action
AILA needs your case examples! As the immigration reform bill moves forward in the Senate, we will use your stories to fight back against bad amendments and support good policies. (AILA Doc. No. 13041707.)
Email and call your Senators/Representatives urging them to support S.744 and oppose bad amendments to the bill.